I've probably promised time and time again that I'm not blogging to judge, I'm here to help you do you. The articles we analysed all seemed to be telling girls one thing: That cute boy has control over you. You, as a girl have one job: get that boy to like you. DON'T do anything that might make you unattractive for you. It's not that the magazine says, "DON'T YOU BECOME A MATHELETE" it just never says, "If you wanna be a mathelete, go be a mathelete!" it says things like, "Do you have a cute make-up caboodle? No? Oh, well Marcy has one and SHE has a boyfriend. Coincidence, I THINK NOT." Not in those words, exactly.
(It's a good thing we don't live in Harry Potter's world or else the magazine might roll itself up and swat your hand whenever you try to do something deemed "unattractive." Like, you open up a book titled "He's a stud she's a slut," *SWAT!* then it'd say, "No, you're going to look like an angry annoying feminist. And trust me Derek is not about that life. Here, paint your finger nails. He loves pink finger nails." Does he magazine? Does he really care? He probably can't get past her beautiful smile to notice what she's reading, so don't swat her hand away!)
Anyways, girls can feel this pressure, like a magazine swatting their hands away from a good read, to do the things they think will impress a boy. And the things kids read teach them that if they either fall under one stereotype or the other, there is no in between, and only a few result in acceptance. So, if Marcy with her caboodle and skinny body gets the boy and all the friends, then if I get a caboodle and a skinny body I'll get the boy and all the friends that I've wanted!
LOL no. That's no fun! That's a really sucky life to live. Becoming something just to obtain something that might be cool.
This is where my philosophy comes in: You do you, I'll do me.
What I’m getting at is do what you love as long as you love
it. I know it’s been said time and time again, and you think it’s stupid by
now, but that’s because you obviously haven’t found what you love yet. Trust
me, it takes time to find that one thing you LOVE and want to be devoted to for
the rest of your life, or just for a really long time. That's not a sucky life to live, that's a rockin' life to live!
let the stereotypes hold you back. Disney Channel and 17 magazine might say only
pretty, not-so-smart girls get friends popularity and out of trouble, but that’s
not true. Now, the polar opposite doesn't have these qualities automatically
either. Anyone can do anything.
I’m not judging, that’s not my reason for doing this, it’s
to let girls know being a girl doesn't mean existence only has to do with the
things in this magazine. To put it in the words of a beloved writer, Allie
Brosh, You can do ALL THE THINGS!
You like fashion—awesome. Read up, draw, go shopping.
You like science—awesome. Read up, study and don’t think
your talents make you ugly.
You like ice skating—awesome. Practice, glide and fly.
You like rugby—awesome. Practice, stay strong and play your
heart out.
Being yourself, and going beyond what you think is normal and acceptable is the way to find great things and great people! Have strength to do it, too. I know it's hard.
There's this girl in my class who I admire so much. She is super unique and doesn't give a poop about what anyone thinks of her, she likes it, so she does it. And every time I see her with a wig on, or outrageous make-up I always give her props because A) she probably had to wake up early to do that, and B) SHE HAS SO MUCH CONFIDENCE AND BRAVERY! I want to be just like her, I don't want to be her, I want to be able to do things like say the things I want to say and say them loud enough for people to hear. (Hey, I'm kind of doing that right now! woooooooowwwwww!) And, I want to be fearless when I go out in public in the clothes I like or doing what I like to do, like cheer loudly at a football game.
This girl inspires me to do these kinds of things, which is awesome! I highly suggest finding that person, they can be a close friend or a near stranger, like this girl I keep talking about. Now you're probably going to stop reading because I'm some creeper who watches people from a distance and then talks about them on the internet. Well you know what, maybe she's just like a celebrity! They can be great inspirations. Like Lady Gaga, because she is 100% okay with herself and being open about being herself.
So go out and find that inspiration and take baby steps towards being you! Don't listen to the voices that say your way is wrong. Your way could totally be right! Then life will be a PAR-TAY!

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