Whoever has read these last two posts probably thinks I'm insane because I'm pretty much just writing about my love for CATS. Oh well.
I found out CATS was back on Broadway when scrolling through Instagram's exploring page. My heart raced, because I had this opportunity to go and see it live and on Broadway. But, my stomach also sank, because how would I ever get to New York? I started following the instagram page for the Broadway production, but skipped over the posts as quickly as possible, because my heart and head kept pulling me in opposite ways.
I got close to going when my best friend, Sarah, and I planned a trip to Maine. I figured I could possibly take a train down to New York and see the show one evening, probably by myself. The Maine trip was postponed and the plan fell through. Then, I started babysitting and the parents invited me to go to New York with them, and even get me a ticket for a matinee show to see CATS as part of my payment. They ended up going to Miami instead, and I was unable to go with them. By this time the production had announced it was in it's final few months.
I was aching to get up to New York. Dying to be there. In early December my request for a weekend off had been denied, I work in retail and it was the height of the Christmas season. The weekend off was supposed to be so I could go to Gatlinburg with my boyfriend and his fraternity, so I was upset, but not too upset. Then, my manger realized the mistake and found someone to switch with me, so I could have Saturday and Sunday off to go on the trip. Of course, by this time my spot wasn't available on the trip, so I was to stay home.
So, here I was with a weekend off and nowhere to go. I would spend a lot of time online looking up same day flights to New York, AirBNB's, train rides into New York from Philadelphia, and any other option I had to get to New York. It'd take a huge hit to my bank account, and I had no travel companion. Then, I had an idea. I sent this string of texts to my Mom:
Note: The Pennsylvanians are what we call my Dad's step-sisters who live in Pennsylvania. Also I say "many dreams" because I also really wanna ride on a train.
Mom was all in after that. I sent her the details that I had a vague idea of.
Not the most solid itinerary. But, this was just a few days before we would have to leave for the performance. I'd never done a spontaneous trip like this, but I was excited to be a part of it. I told my boyfriend with a lot of glee, and a lot of fear. He was skeptical, thinking we couldn't make it happen, as he is always trying to be realistic and practical. It's wonderful, except when your dream is at stake here.
Then, Mom sent this to me.
I saw it after I'd done a very energetic work out, high on the adrenaline of this opportunity I had to seize. It crushed me.
I cried on the drive home, angry at everyone who doubted this. Angry at the fact that she was right, and at the fact that I hadn't planned this trip to occur over the summer or for an actual vacation. I let the text sit when I got home, taking a shower and trying not to think about being a nine year old who had printed out images of her favorite cat hanging on her wall, and above those images the words, "STARRING ON BROADWAY: PAIGE MCWILLIAMS" hung proudly. (I always remember how to spell starring because I'd misspelled it "staring" and my cousin corrected me)
Of course, Mom isn't one to let it go either.

She also knew I needed to be conscious of my car tags. Such a kind woman.
I'd told my sister's, whom I live with, about the trip. They're older than me, and were both much cooler than me in high school. They went on spontaneous trips, they might not have been glamorous, but I'm always so jealous that they have these memories to share and my college career has been safely at home, quiet and mostly alone. Graciously they offered to give me my Christmas gift in advance: 100$ visa gift card to help me get to New York. They even said they don't need Christmas gift's so I could save some money. Of course, I already had their Christmas presents, but that's besides the point. The action made me want to cry, I had so much support coming from these women, it was almost overwhelming.
The next day I called into work, and spoke to a scheduling manager. This is the same woman who got me the weekend off, and now I was looking for her skill in getting someone to swap with me either Monday or Friday. I wanted to keep hours, so I preferred a swap and not for someone to pick up my shift. She seemed somewhat confused when I explained this when she said someone had accepted my Friday shift. But, she was determined to help me get to New York. She got this sweet woman, Megg, to take my Monday shift if I took her Saturday (the Saturday before Christmas) shift. I was beyond thankful to both of them. Now, I had a full three days to do this rush trip to New York.
Finally, things were coming together. I had links to hotels and AirBNB's, I knew the cost of the train from Philadelphia to New York, and I was ready to start looking at tickets. On Thursday I went to school, expecting my Mom and I to work out the details that night. But, I got this text from her:
We were all set! She had gone to AAA (I am very confused about this place now, I thought they were just road side assistance), and had a package put together and made for our travels. We had plane tickets, a hotel room, and now all was missing was our tickets to the show. This was my job.
Surprisingly, the 8PM show was cheaper than the 2PM show on Sunday, but Mom insisted we go to the show during the day as she was weary of New York. She wasn't sure what travel would be like in New York, if we'd walk or ride back to the hotel, so we decided to do the 2PM show, which she paid for since the tickets costed a lot more than I'd anticipated. After I bought the tickets I went downstairs where my sister and her friend were preparing baskets for a raffle they were hosting. I was so excited, and so afraid, and I didn't know how to express myself. So I sat quietly on her bed, watching them work out the details of their fundraiser. I was slowly letting reality sink in. I was leaving for New York Saturday morning, I was seeing CATS Sunday afternoon. I was seeing CATS. On Broadway. Getting as close as I ever would to achieving my childhood dream. I turned to every cat I saw for two days and said, "I'm going to see you on Broadway." Very few cared about this, but I laughed every time.
Friday was spent in anticipation. Trying to get homework done for the weekend, going to work and thinking about all the possibilities of this trip, and then figuring out where I could buy some good skin colored tights for the performance.
This was just the beginning of our whirlwind trip.
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