"The Hate U Give" is about a girl who witnesses her friend get shot by a police officer, and then she goes through the process of trying to get him justice. She also gives the reader a chance to explore her personal world, from the empowered family she is surrounded by, to handling a double consciousness when attending a majority white private school, and everyday life in Garden Heights. It is so much in one novel, but it is done perfectly by Angie Thomas.
I think Thomas is a brilliant author, and I'm sure this blog post won't do her justice, but I'm going to try. The first thing I would like to note is that about a page into the novel I realized this narrator was unique. It's not because she's spunky or smart, or any other traits other authors give their characters in attempts to make them stand out, but because I have rarely read a book with this voice. The perspective of black teenagers is grossly low in mainstream fiction. One would have to really search the teen section to find this kind of book, but even then they'd probably have to order a print on demand title because bookstores won't carry the item regularly. I thought I was a well-rounded reader, I thought I had exposed myself to a lot of different perspectives, but after getting into "The Hate U Give" I realized I needed to read more books like this. Everyone should. We should be reading more authors of color, because their stories are not only entertaining and wonderful, but informative of a world America often forgets about, or doesn't even recognize at all.
At this moment I'm reminded of an episode of "Jane the Virgin." Jane is a latino woman, her grandmother was born and raised in Venezuela, and she is a writer. Jane has her book published, but it is eventually dropped by the publisher. Which evokes her to say, "Very few women of color get published. And when we do, we cannot afford to screw it up, because we don't get a second chance-- like our peers" (Season 4, episode 9). I know Angie Thomas had similar thoughts running through her head as she was publishing this book, especially since it covers Black Lives Matter topics. But she nailed it, and she is also working on her second book "On the Come Up" which I'm sure will be equally amazing.
To continue on with what makes "The Hate U Give" amazing is the pure beauty of her writing. Not only is the voice authentic and unique, but she just has these amazing quotes sprinkled into the book. The first one, for me, came 26 pages into the novel. Kahlil has just been shot and Star is sitting on the back of an ambulance, wrapped in a blanket, and her parents have arrived. Thomas writes that her mom holds her close, "She rubs my back and speaks in hushed tones that tell lies."
I was so blown away by this quote. In such an elegant way she shows the reader three things: (1) the mother is telling her everything will be alright, (2) Star reacts honestly because she doesn't believe that for a second, (3) it hints at how the story will go. And, the quotes don't end there!
Google "The Hate U Give quotes" and hit "images." You will find a plethora of beautiful quotes decorated with fan art. Allow me to give you a taste of what you will find:

So many good quotes! They give me chills. Angie Thomas is #writergoals.
This book is just so honest, so blunt, and beautifully written. The story moves you through the daily life of Star, from the major stuff like dealing with the trauma of witnessing a friend be shot and fighting for Black Lives, to the mundane parts of her life like boyfriend problems and working at her dad's grocery store. Everything is in there, and Thomas makes it magnificent. Read it if you are an activist, if you'd like to be exposed to a non-white perspective, or if you really just can't wrap your head around why the football players are kneeling during the national anthem. Basically everybody needs to read this book.
Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=jane-the-virgin-2014&episode=s04e09
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