Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Update: My Life Still Revolves Around Books

I have a long list of things I need to buy. I'm not very good at routinely shopping, so I usually wait until I have a massive amount of things I need then buy them slowly over time. So, I am working through my list, which includes a purse and a wallet.

My only criterial for the wallet: Must have a coin pouch/pocket.

My only criteria for my purse: Must fit a book in it.

Again, books are life.

Sorry for the short post. I am very tired. I returned from New Orleans (more on that later) last night, which included an hour and a half drive through a mild snow storm. Then, I woke up early to visit my boyfriend, Duffy, before meeting up with my best friend, Sarah. I met Sarah at work so we could buy her a wedding planner, then we went wedding dress shopping. Super wonderful time, but now I could sleep for days.

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