Saturday, May 5, 2018

My Conflicting Relationship With Ghosts

Since I'm currently on a BuzzFeed Unsolved kick I'm gonna talk about ghosts. (To give you a preview of this post, I love this show because ghosts and murder and mystery, but I don't watch the ghost Unsolved episodes unless I'm in a public space and not at home, otherwise I get too paranoid and freaked out).

So here's the 411: I love ghost stories. I grew up in a town that is HELLA haunted. I'm talking little ghost girls pulling pony tails of the waitresses in a local restaurant, my friend having a stuffed animal thrown at her in the toy shop, and the tapping sound coming from the attic of the flower shop. It is a spook spook place, and I highly recommend taking a ghost tour there. I also love the show "A Haunting" because of the reenactments of the tales. Sure they are way overdone and dramatized, but I get pulled in every time.

But, I recall one time when I was watching the show and my sister snuck in behind me and scared the living shit out of me. Because here's the deal: I am terrified of ghosts. When I ate at the local restaurant mentioned I hated going to the bathroom and would rush through the process without looking in the mirror incase the little girl showed up. I felt antsy when wandering the toy shop alone. And, as much as I wanted to hear the little boy tapping or catch a ghost in a photograph, I knew I'd pee my pants if I did. 

As a kid I rarely went into the basement alone, and to this day I don't sleep well at a friends house because it is well known to be haunted. Ghosts are terrifying. I wish I was clairvoyant, and maybe then I'd be a little more used to ghosts and even get to spot one. However, I am not. I am just a wuss who secretly wants to meet a ghost.

The closest I've gotten is at the friend's house I mentioned. It was actually the night I met Duffy. Three of us had retreated back to her house and discussed the evening. I was starting to doze off, my back was to her bedroom door, when I felt the distinct sensation of someone watching me. I knew no one was behind me, but the hairs on the back of my neck prickled up and I was afraid to mention it or turn around to check. It is probably the closest I will ever get to meeting a ghost.

I do know that when I move into a house I am getting it inspected for ghosts. Even if it's a new house. Even if I build it. Gotta make sure there are no portals to hell in it, or burial grounds near by. Ghost inspections, it's a thing. 

I almost went on a ghost investigation in my hometown when it was offered. I didn't go because I was a teenager and knew I'd be a scared mess the entire time. And thank god I didn't, word around town is the investigation was cut short because of the ~activity~ of the ghost got dangerous. DUN DUN DUN! 

Still want to know all the details, but you know. You get what you get.

Maybe one day I'll go back to those old haunts (pun intended) and try to say hi to the ghosts, they're supposed to be friendly. Maybe I'll go sit on the stairs with the school girls, or say hi to the boy who died of tuberculosis. Or, I'll go see the woman in the mayors house who apparently checks people's pulses when they sleep. NO! I should go visit the cat ghost who lives in that house! Just as long as I don't run into any demons or other hellish creatures that will possess me and follow me home. That'd be great.

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