Saturday, March 15, 2014

You Gotta Get Da Women's Vote

     So, today in Women's Issues we discussed voting. Now, we've watched clips from this fabulous movie called "The Iron Jawed Angels" about the woman suffrage movement and that has inspired me to make sure I vote at every single oppurtunity. Like, if you're just an American citizen you should vote, but if you are a woman, get your butt down to those polls! These women suffered for you. Like, a lot more than you think.
     Anyways, we continued the conversation by talking about the statistics of women voting. Now, it's very sad and not as high as if should be. We are women and we need people in office to represent us, therefore we should vote for the candidate we think will do the job best. This way we will be represented, and maybe this will lead to more women in high office, because that's also a thing that needs to start happening more frequently. Sorry middle-aged white men, but you don't know what the women think. And I don't know if you noticed, but we take up a nice big percentage of USA citizens (51%).
      Now, the other thing that bothered me was the fact that when running candidates have a focus on women and getting their vote. First, we just need to get out and vote in general. But, secondly, I thought it was borderline offensive that there's "people" and then "women." Like, they're setting their strategies, "Okay, we'll say this to get women, but we'll say this to get people in general."
     It's a silly thing to get upset about, really, but the thing is it got me thinking. Why don't they have an aim towards men? Well my friends, it's because the world has already been tailor made for them fellars. Think about it, for men life has been a breeze. They can make money, they can make more money, women find them undoubtedly desirable because they're helpless and need them and the man's money, and for a long time they could get away with some pretty sneaky stuff, but one word and a woman was in jail. The only bad part about being a man was that if you did go to jail for the same crime as a woman, they would have no problem killing you, but for the woman they'd probably show some mercy and just sentence her to a life in prison.
     You got your rights first thing when this country was established, but women had to fight for the same rights they should have been given as an American citizen. So, yeah, that's why most people aim to help girls. I sympathize for you when you feel in pain because you don't have washboard abs and fabulous hair and you think you should. But women have had such a struggle bus existence.
     By now life is pretty good for us, but there are still some petty big things that need to come to be. Like, fair wages, and the right to do what they want with their bodies. And the only way to get this is to get some representation in government. To get a woman in their who will fight for it and make things happen!
     Then, once we start fixing the things that are important to women in America and become the land where everyone is free and equal we can move on to other important things that are problems in the government. Like, I don't know, our current economic status.
      Now, I'm not saying let's put any women in government, that is not how that works. We need to find the right person to go and make a change in the world. It could be a man too, there might be one out their who knows what needs to get done, but a woman would be nice. One who is qualified and driven.
     And some people out in the world think that putting a woman in government wouldn't be helpful because they can't do it right. They might get emotional and have their period or need to be home with their children. Poor poor things. The thing is no. Just no. First off, have we found any male president that was perfect? Has their been on man in government who everyone has just agreed with and been satisfied? Think about it.
     Done thinking? Because the answer is no. There has not. They are one person representing A BUNCH of people, there is no way they can be perfect. So the same goes for a woman in office because they're humans too.
     And as for the periods. I'm shaking my head. A woman can keep her sanity while on her period, you are crazy thinking as soon as she starts she starts freaking out and making irrational decisions like declaring war on Canada. And our government doesn't allow that, it has a system that prevents stupid, irrational decisions made from one person from happening. And besides, typically when women and men get into office they are older and I don't know if you know this, but women don't have their periods forever.
     Plus, when they're done with their periods and have gone through that stage the kids that they may have have grown up and don't need Mom around every second to wipe their butts. They've got Dad for that.
     In summary: two things that people think are going to be a problem that are not actual problems are women needing to be at home and mythical periods that are way worse than they really actually are. Come on guys, it's 2014. Let's get things straight, and an equally represented government with diversity.

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