Thursday, April 10, 2014

Let's have a Disney moment

I had a revelation while watching The Little Mermaid: In all the movies the women are many things, like small, young and looking for a man. And not just like a date, but like a life long commitment. And that's annoying, because then that's all little girls think they have to look forward to, and that, my friends, is the definition of ridiculous.
Every person has so much potential. In a class I'm taking called "life choices" we learned about our philosophies of life, and we brainstormed. We were asked what are some things we find absolutely true, and I said "Life is what you make it."
There are two ways to tell a story. Two ways to knit a sweater. Two ways to sing a song. Two ways for everything! So, you can be positive or negative, and the messages some older Disney movies send out is a negative message that girls only have a husband to look for.
Now, I say older Disney movies, because have you SEEN new Disney movies? THEY'RE GREAT!
The Princess and the Frog-- Tiana is all, "Mama, I ain't got time for dancing!" And she's got this excellent work ethic and she tends to prove the man a fool more than she's made to be one.
One time I heard a girl say, "Tiana kinda bothers me." And my eyes almost fell out of my head. I was like, "Oh, so you don't like strong, independent women? Girl, I know you. You are anything BUT weak and submissive. Support your girl Tiana. She's helping young girls see the world in a better light. A where they can pursue dreams of their own that actually don't involve finding a husband and living in a castle (Which is what I like to call the real world.)"
Frozen- WOW! Elsa is all, "I'm just going to do me. What even are husbands? Um, Ana, you can't freaking fall in love with someone in a matter of minutes." (A thing that Ariel and Eric did). And then she's like, "I know it's way way way back then and women have no rights, but not only am I going to become a single queen, like no other Disney movie has ever done without making her a witch, but I'm also gonna break free and be on my own!"
And then the ending. Ah, so perf! You're all caught up in the moment, wanting Christophe to move faster and to give Ana true love's kiss to warm her heart and stop her from freezing alive. Then there's this total plot twist you didn't see coming. The focus on not a romantic love, but the love of a family member, which is just as strong as any kind of love.
I think that sends a good message to the next generation. It's saying that the search for romantic love doesn't have to consume our lives. There are other things in life that are just as important, if not more.
And it's great to see Ana's growth through the movie because she realizes this point. At the beginning when the ball is about to happen she is excited because she might meet "The One." And she is totally motivated by that goal, she falls in love with the first guy she sees and then runs to him in need of true love's kiss. But in the end she's saved not by a kiss, but by saving her own sister and the love she proved through that action.
And this movie also says it's okay not to have a husband, like I said, Elsa is a single queen, but she still rules. Her sister may have found love, but she is perfectly content with herself. I think that's great for kids to hear, that they can be happy without a spouse.
And you know who says that best?
This movie would answer with a loud and proud NO! to the question: "If you had the chance to change your fate, WOOOUUULLLD YA!?"
That's right ladies and gentlemen: BRAVE!
Do you see that body? So normal looking and not Barbie Princess "perfect."
And THAT HAIR! So unkempt, so free, so UNIQUE!
We applaud her bravery and strength to do "manly" things, like archery and not eating like a "princess."
And the movie is so perfect. She has three forced love interests but she chooses HERSELF! She's like, "SINGLE FOR LIFE!" And she's happy! She's more than happy, that girl is successful. She defeats a freaking BEAR and brings her mother back to a normal life!
That movie is the ultimate. Every little girl should be in love with it. It sends a great message and represents a lifestyle that is not uncommon today, though we act like it is. (The same dayI heard a girl say she didn't like Tiana I also heard a girl say she didn't like Merida. I almost cried.)
After years of helpless princesses in need of a husband society has it in it's mind that a woman should hold up to those standards.
I can prove this, ask a girl if she has a wedding planned out and she will say yes. Because every girl at least thinks about it, even if they don't have a detailed ceremony they at least know if they want a big or small one and what style of dress they want. But, ask a boy and I doubt he has.
Why is this phenomenon happening? Well, that's because a girl's future is uncertain, but one thing they think they need to have on their future timeline is a marriage. Because if a woman doesn't get married or at least find a life partner they will end up as an crazy old cat lady.
I hate that stereotype. Hate it. Why are women destined to be something that's "crazy" and "old" and of course with a million cats. That title is just a mouth full of negative words and fills your mind with sad images. When a man will simply remain as a bachelor.
Oh how positive that term is compared to CRAZY OLD CAT LADY! A bachelor is handsome, he gets girls and is rich and has a happy lifestyle. While a Cat Lady is envisioned to be sad and lonely and boring and pitiful. I know a bunch of older single women and they are doing awesome!
I wish that instead of girls turning into crazy old cat ladies they just turned into independent women. Imagine them happy, living their own life, enjoying the company of friends and family, taking part in activities that they enjoy. And yeah, they might have a cat. Cats are awesome.
And maybe her single male neighbor is equally happy and also has a cat.
What a great world that would be to live in.
And girls would happily go on with their school career not thinking, "Oh my god I don't have a boyfriend, I'm forever alone!" That would remove a lot of despair when they continue forward in life and start focusing on themselves and what makes them happy and what's happening in their life that doesn't involve relying on the attention of a significant other to make them happy.
Personally I don't mind not having a boyfriend. I don't need one. I can do things without one, I can go out, I can laugh, I can learn, I can dance, I can do whatever! And in the future if I never find someone I want to spend the rest of my life with, I will be okay with that. This might be because I'm a pretty big introvert and enjoy alone time, but I do think it's a great way to think.
Independence is okay, woman or man, you don't need to focus your efforts on impressing future husbands and wives, and you don't need to become obsessed with it and let society's idea that you need a life partner get to you.
Just be you! And have fun with it so that you're happy. Just like Tiana, Elsa, and Merida.
As us nerfighters say, "DFTB! Don't Forget To Be Awesome!"

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