Thursday, May 29, 2014

"Let me take your man card"

When I first heard of the concept of a "man card" I laughed. The idea that everyone had a man card and it could be revoked or given. I used this term every now and then as a joke, but recently I heard it and got kind of upset over it.
This person was saying that if a man has ever gotten a manicure they shouldn't be allowed to have their man card. Can you tell what got to me? It's the fact that apparently there are activities that are reserved for women only and that if a man does that it makes him less of a man. Come on dude. Come on!
There are things to be enjoyed in this world and let people enjoy them. We are changing the world with our acceptance of more feminine men and this statement just sets us back. Yes, manicures and spray tans are typically done by women, but if a man wants to do it, YOLO SWAG you go for it! And then we all just sit back and let others be happy.
This is equality, if we want to be accepted in men-dominated fields we have to allow men to do some of the more "feminine" things. It's like when you're a kid and your sister asks if she can play with your doll. Well, she didn't let you play with her doll last week so you're not going to let her play with your doll. And even if we don't get our way I think it's best that we just be kind to others. It'll encourage more kindness.
The world was made to be equal. We're all mixed together in this place so we can't say "Okay, you sit here, and I'll sit here. Don't cross this line. No, no." *Swats hand*
It's time to be okay with men crossing the line, because we're already crossing it ourselves.
Another thing I heard once was that a person was saying that when guys had snapchat best friends that are also guys she questioned them and thought it was weird. And that, my friends, is one of the dumbest things to be bothered by.
There are wars and starvation and riots going on and you're upset that a boy has a another boy as his best friend? ON SNAPCHAT! I'm best friends with my cousin, we must be doing incest. And you're best friends with another girl, does that make me question you? No! You guys just make each other laugh all the time. That's usually the point of snapchatting.
You might be thinking this is turning into a gay rights rant, but it's not. Though that is important we're still on that feminist track.
Today I want to say that equality is a two-way street. If we want to be treated as an human being by the world, we have to treat the world as human beings. It's hard not to get upset by some things, but we have to learn to be accepting.
It can even go towards women. An aggressive woman in the workforce can be perceived as a heartless bitch, which is topically how the media portrays them. But as long as they aren't actually crazy, this is good! They're doing what they're good at so PRAISE! Women like that are going out and changing the world.
It's time to step up and do what you like, even if it means stepping up and out of our comfort zone. Don't be afraid of what others will think, show and prove to them that you're the best their possibly is. They'll come around eventually, and if they don't but you still know what you're doing is good, YOLO SWAG go for it!
Remember kids: People are people, and feelings are feelings, and those things are unstoppable. So, don't let others stop you! You are great and you will win!

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