Wednesday, May 14, 2014


     Today we're going to take a moment to talk about soliders. They're fighters and defenders and epic and all that. But why is this a male dominated field?
     Obviously it's because all women are physically weaker than men and emotionally unstable. 
     Well, that's at least what the pentagon thinks. How great are these people? Women can't be on the frontline and do combat jobs. Because who knows what might happen up there. Women could just fall down from weakness or cry at the sight of a dead body. It's too risky. 
     Officially, they can fight, but they don't get to actually fight combat too much. Which I oppose. If a woman works hard enough and can become strong enough she can fight, a lot of women are strong enough to actually fight up their with the big boys, and they've proved themselves.
     Now, the next part of the argument is that women are too emotionally.
     Well my friend, I like to say that men and women are human. I don't know about you, but that's just my view on the world. She breathes, he breaths, and so on. And humans are emotional beings, meaning we feel emotion. So if humans feel emotions then that means women feel emotions (because, you know, they're human) and if men are humans... Oh man, they must feel emotions too.
     So what I guess I'm saying is this crazy idea is that maybe there are men out in the world who are not emotionally able to be on the front line. Whoa. It's like there's a process to get people into the combat position and that process helps decide if the person-- AKA human-- is really capable of being in combat. 
     Huh. That's a real thought provoker, ain't it?
     I'm just saying, just because one solider is a woman doesn't mean she can't have a pretty tough skin.
     We talked about this in a class one day, some people lean towards "masculine" traits, and some "feminine" traits, others are balanced between the two. You see, we took a short little test to determine this and this led to a discussion of how men don't want to have anything to do with being too "feminine."
     Sadly, those traits can appear to be the "weaker" traits and since a lot of women are more inclined to those traits women are sometimes seen as the weaker beings. But many women have developed the masculine traits, and it's not a problem. It's not a problem to be either way, (too an extent, any trait that's too much can be problematic.) but the problem is men not wanting to develop the feminine traits.
         They are far-right manly men. They don't want to be sensitive and romantic, they want to be self-reliant and realistic. And they might be these things, but let me tell you about the discussion we had as a class.
     We go to an all-girl's school, and the teacher asked for the people who had strong masculine traits. Several girls unashamedly raised their hands. But we thought about what would happen if we were at one of the all-boys schools in the area if the teacher asked for the students with strong feminine traits.
     If you guessed that no one would raise their hands, you guessed right. To them it's embarrassing to be labeled as "girly" or something of that sort because they leaned towards those traits. It makes them seem weak, or worse gay. 
    The thing is, boys, you're human. And these are human personality traits. So you're going to have a little of each, or even a lot of each. Girls have masculine traits and no problem admitting it, now it's your turn.
    Be a human, accept whatever personality you have. It's probably a fabulous one.
    So, if boys can have strong feminist traits then women can have strong masculine traits. And I bet that makes them want to do some "masculine" things. But it's frowned upon sometimes, or not as wildly popular as it should be.
    Have you ever heard of "pink collar" jobs? Because they're a thing. You could probably list a few of these jobs just off the top of your head. Teacher, nurse, etc. These are jobs women typically dominate, which is good. I'm not against women nurses or anything, but I have a problem when it comes to a point when people think these are jobs only for women.
    I remember the first time my friend's dad told me he was a nurse. I was shocked, I thought all nurses were women! But it didn't change my opinion of him. If he wanted to be a nurse, then go for it bro. Well, I don't like that as a kid I thought nurses had to be women, and that men in that field were unusual.
    If a man wants to be in a "pink collar" job, then good for him. If a woman wants to do something different, excellent. I believe I mentioned in an earlier post the quote, "Never tell your daughter she can be anything, because she should already know that." And that's what I want the world to come to.
    I want a world where girls growing up dreaming of being astronauts as well as princess, and boys teachers as well as football players. Because either gender can follow any path. The world holds many opportunities and limiting either side is just wrong.
    It starts when they're kids, playing with toys that typically teach them one trait or another. Dolls and kitchens teach kids to be compassionate and how to have conversations. Trucks and legos teach kids how to be constructive and ambitious. Telling a kid he or she can't play with one of them because they don't fall under the category of their gender is depriving them of possibilities. And the ability to become balanced in their personality. They should be invited to play with any toy they prefer, and develop life skills for the future.
    Because every kid is different. Some are more one way than the other, some are balanced.
    The point of this post is that a man can be an emotional mess, just as a woman can. But those who can handle it will go tot the front line, so let them.

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