Monday, April 30, 2018

Book Review: "The Light We Lost" by Jill Santapolo

Let me begin this by saying that I avidly hate every single character in this book. This is why I couldn't stop thinking about how great this book was in the days after I'd finished it.

I had my eyes on this book since I saw the hardback cover for it at the bookstore I work at. I. Love. Covers. Have I mentioned this before?

And, when reading the synopsis of the book I figure it was a mix of a falling in love story and a falling out of love story. I was intrigued by the possibility of this being a reverse love story, and wanted to see how well the author could write such a thing. I passed up buying the book when it left our store to become a paperback book. But, when it returned I felt drawn to it again.

One day I had the hankering to read something, and figured I would pick something out to read over the weekend before I got too busy with school work. I was between "The Light We Lost" and "Exit West." I picked up "Exit West" and read the first couple of pages in the break room. The cover is gorgeous and it was an interesting story presented. However, since I had already been flirting with "The Light We Lost" for so long I thought I ought to grab it first. Then, a customer came in looking for the book after a friend told her it was amazing. It was as if the book gods were looking down on me and telling me what to do.

I almost didn't buy it. The first page didn't catch me as strongly as I thought it would, though the narrator established a storytelling style that I found interesting. And, I am very good at telling myself not to spend money. The lines were long at the bookstore, but I jumped in line for check out and took the book home.

I ate some dinner and then cracked open the book. You all, I did not put this book down until I finished it.

Lucy, the main character and narrator, is telling the story of her first love, Gabe. It's an off and on relationship, but even as Lucy goes through her life she continues to reference and remember Gabe. This is probably why I hate Lucy. I thought she needed to move on, he ditched her butt years ago! But, he is her "wild fire" love (138). Then, she meets Darren, who is her "hearth fire" love (138). And, as a reader, I'm thinking "Yes! Darren is great. He's a family guy, he's got a good job, his friends are a little too "bro" for my taste, but he's here, he's kind, and he's not Gabe!" However, he also has flaws that make me hate him adamantly. He doesn't take Lucy's career seriously, he doesn't want her having lunch and coffee alone with Gabe when he comes to town, like he's just douche at times. But again, better than Gabe!

Gabe, oh little Gabe. Gabe is passionate, but that makes him impulsive at times. The story begins with Gabe and Lucy witnessing 9/11 while finishing college in New York city. And in responsive Gabe decides to go to Iraq to cover the war through photography. This is an admirable feat, and Lucy supported his decision. But, he didn't tell her when he applied for a job as a reporter until he'd gotten the job. Shortly after that he left, and Lucy was heartbroken. The now broken up couple rarely kept in touch over the years, until the time of the book when Lucy tells Gabe their story.

We, as readers, are not sure why she is telling the story, except for some hints here and there. Then, towards the end we are told why she is doing this and what is to become of their relationship. Though, we aren't completely sure what will happen to Lucy and Darren, but that's the joy of book endings.

This is a very character driven story, and I loved every second of it. The characters effectively made me want to rip my hair out and to shake some sense into them, and that is all so great. The story made me feel a lot of emotions and I thrived off of those feelings. Those feelings, even of hate, have made this story stick with me. I kept thinking about it, and telling people about this great book I read, it's now on the staff recommendation shelf at the bookstore, because I want more people to read it. It perfectly drew me in, kept me hooked, and remained in my thoughts in the aftermath of reading it. This is a book that deserves to be promoted and passed on.

So go buy it! Devour it! Enjoy!

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