Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A List of Delicious Places to Eat in Asheville

While on our trip someone asked Duffy and I what we were doing in Asheville. I answered honestly, "Eating." Because that's what we do on trips, seek out the best restaurants and devour their food. So, here is a list of the best places we ate at in Asheville, North Carolina.

Early Girl Eatery: One can never go wrong with breakfast food! Duffy and I both ate French Toast Biscuits, which were AMAZING! Who knew biscuits made such good french food?

Tupela Honey: We knew this place would be great going in, because everyone recommended it. I got salmon with some delicious mac n cheese, and Duffy got a veggie burger. The burger was magnificent. Thick burger, large bun, and included a healthy serving of pimento cheese that oozed out with every bite. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

Noble Brewery: Duffy hates beer, but loves cider, and Asheville had just the place for him. The cider was low sugar and high alcoholic content. They had classic flavors, as well as some far out flavors like "Coffee and Cream." I took a glass of "The Spice Merchant" which was made from chia tea and included a bunch of delicious spices. Duffy got a glass of "The Village Tart" which he just described as "fire." The place looked like it was made from an airplane hanger. There was a large table full of board games, some tall tables, a food truck outside along with some patio space, and three small rooms off to the side. We went to the rooms, which each had three walls so they remained open, and sipped on our drinks. Then, we noticed a table for checkers and decided to play. Guys, that cider made me really good at checkers! I C R E A M E D Duffy! Usually I'm okay, but I typically lose. But with this cider in my hand I took up the voice and tone of a renaissance queen who was battling with the French and trying to obtain an entire country while battling with the goblins and fairies in Scotland. And then I destroyed Duffy in checkers!! Anyways, we left the brewery with a growler of "The Village Tart."

French Broad Chocolate Factory and Tasting Room: This city loves its chocolate, apparently. The line was out the door at the French Broad Chocolate Factory lounge, and had a lengthy line at the Tasting room, which was where Duffy and I found ourselves. This was probably due to the fact that there was only one employee manning the Tasting Room. We were patient, and when we got to the counter we ordered a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a chocolate snickerdoodle cookie. Then, at a nearby fountain we mixed our two desserts together, creating a heavenly treat. 100% doing this combination.


But the food. Okay, so I got a plain biscuit and two sides. Then, I found out they had this jelly and butter buffet for the biscuits. So I went over there and got the raspberry jam, and some lavender honey butter. Then, I saw the woods "vanilla" and immediately started scooping because I love vanilla. But as I scooped I saw it was vanilla cantaloupe, and I don't like cantaloupe. But I took it anyways and sat down with Duffy who was digging into his vegetarian chorizo biscuits. The raspberry was good, the lavender honey was delicious, but guys, the vanilla cantaloupe. I went back to get more of that shit because it IS THE SHIT! And then put lavender honey and the vanilla cantaloupe together-- game changer! I bought a mug from there that just says "dang." because that's exactly what I said when I bit into that biscuit with the jelly on it. Yum yum yum!

To finish our trip we went to

Sunny Pointe Cafe: It was hopin' in this joint. We had a short wait, but it was worth it. We both got BLAT's which were Bacon Lettuce Avocado and Tomato sandwiches. Of course we got the vegetarian option, along with either a side of fries or a side of grits. The sandwich was soooo good! Served on a croissant, it just made our trip. Then, Duffy said the grits were some of the best he'd ever had. Now, we had expected the grits in North Carolina to be good, but they were mostly sub par. A little bland, not much to them. But these, they were good! 

I would also like to take a moment to acknowledge the service in Asheville. Honestly, every single server we had was friendly and knowledgable about the menu. They were gracious hosts, and I was pleased to see that despite how busy the restaurants were the servers still managed to be happy and full of energy when serving us.

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