Friday, July 13, 2018

Asheville, North Carolina

My parents are notorious for taking spontaneous trips. Since I have a brother in Florida with 2.5 kids and another brother in Wyoming my parents love their road trips. And since they're retired they'll leave whenever they please. I can call them at any given point and not be surprised if they tell me they're in Wyoming or Florida, even if I'd just seen them two days prior and they didn't say anything about a trip. This is probably why my Mom was so good at getting everything together for the New York trip. Anyways, all of this must've rubbed off on me because now spontenous trips are the only trips I take. 

I texted my boyfriend, Duffy, on a Sunday, joking that since he was off Wednesday to Friday I could switch out my Thursday and we could take a trip. I specified a Carolina (either North or South, but I'm partial to South). He responded with "eeeehhhh" and I had assumed it was about the trip part. Neither of us are rolling in dough, and a trip takes some planning. I didn't think much of it, just put my phone in my locker and returned to the sales floor from my break. When I called him after work he asked, "So where are we going?" 

Turns out, he had said "eeeehhh" to a Carolina, because he was imaging Nashville or Cincinnati since they're closer and I had missed that he did work on Wednesday. But at this point, we had momentum. I was concerned I wouldn't get anyone to switch with me, since the staff was stretched somewhat thin with people taking summer vacations and all that. But I sent a text to the sweetest woman in the entire world, and she agreed to switch my shifts. I was estatic, since I had three days off we decided a trip to Asheville, North Carolina would be worth it. Now, Duffy had to at least find an open shift for Wednesday so we could leave as soon as possible. 

We almost thought we wouldn't get to go, because it took until Tuesday evening for someone to agree to switch with Duffy. I had thought his switch would be the easiest, but as it turns out, his work has an even more limited staff. 

And so we were off! Kind of...

Since we'd stayed up late doing some rushed planning the night before Duffy didn't pack his bag since he went into work at 6am. I had been packed since 3pm on Tuesday. So I was ansty. We were already leaving in the afternoon versus the morning, and he wanted to stop at his work, again, to get a cup of coffee for the road. I may or may not have rushed him while he packed, making him forget his phone and watch charger. Poor boy cannot survive without his technology. Luckily, the phone could be charged on his laptop with the cable he keeps in his car, but his watch died. He also forgot his swim trunks, but that didn't matter in the end because there were kids in the hotel pool, always. 

But we got on the road around 3:30 (only 2 hours later than I'd originally planned). I brought the DS Duffy got for his birthday a couple years ago, but eventually just let me have since I played it more. I packed us a new flavor of bean crisps for snacks, and green apples, which are the superior apple. 

The drive to Asheville isn't actually too bad. It's closer than Chicago and has no tolls. Duffy's car hit the 1,000 mile marker, which was a big deal, and since he'd gotten a new air-filter thing (idk ask him) his gas mileage was slowly rising. 

We arrived at our hotel around 9pm, and the best part was we realized it was a dog friendly hotel! Dogs! The sad part was, the main thing we do when we travel is eat. This was another reason I wanted to get on the road, because I'd been looking up restaurants and checking to see if we could make reservations for that evening. Most reservations ended at 7:30 and the restaurants closed around 9. And the concierge only offered a couple of pizza places, since everything was closing. Hungry, and ready to enjoy the new city we went to one of the pizza places recommended, though first we walked around downtown, checking to see if there was anything better. But all that was open was an Irish restaurant, hookah bars, and tattoo parlors. So we ate the pizza. Which was average, but still carbs are delicious. 

We headed back to our hotel to get a good nights rest so the next day, which was the only full day we were spending in the city, could be as amazing as possible. And so we could get up early to beat the rush to Asheville's most famous breakfast place, Early Girl. 

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