Saturday, February 15, 2014

How I got here

     I've considered myself a feminist for the past couple of years. It probably started when I began school at an all girls high school, this was a great place for feminism to be loud and proud. Then, over the years discussion between friends and sometimes as topics in class about equality came up. Some girls would sit back calmly, or ignore what was being said, but it always had me on the edge of my seat and my mind thinking of solutions to these problems (which shouldn't be problems), and eventually I began igniting these types of conversations. So, my senior year I decided to take a class called "Women's Issues."
     Now, the first unit was about women in the media, and let me tell you, this was not a new topic to me. I'd watched the video in my Catholic Morals class "Killing Us Softly," and when I had no homework in study my friend and I would flip through a magazine and see which ad could make us angriest due to it's sexualization of women. However, in this class we didn't just discuss ads (though they were mentioned a lot) we also talked about the content in a magazine called "17 Magazine." Oh, honey, that's when things got real for me.
I reacted to it the way I react to a lot of things: through sarcasm.
     It was a small class and towards the end I realized i was the only one talking, and I was saying things like, "POOR GIRL! Listen to her sad, sad life: Her friends are out doing stuff without her, that cute boy from world history won't text her back, and-- oh this is the worst-- SHE DOESN'T LIKE ANY OF HER WINTER CLOTHES! What is she going to do!?" My teacher commented on a couple of things I said and friends laughed or commented sarcastically along with me. So on the way out I just made this casual comment: "What if I started a blog where I made sarcastic comments about 17 magazine?"
     Well, I did this thing where I started a blog.
     This isn't going to be only sarcastic comments on 17 magazine (though that black hole that's trying to suck our young women down into will be a focus here). I have, like, real goals for this blog.
     So let's get started!

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