Saturday, February 15, 2014

Why I'm Here

     So, I didn't start this blog the day after my class explored the feministic hell of "17 Magazine." I thought about it a lot, because I wanted it to be special and helpful. There were things to be considered, like where I wanted to blog, what i wanted each post to be like, what the content would be, and so forth. So, my friend and I were talking and getting angry over a analysis of the messages the mass media was sending to girls, and we were just fuming over it. But I realized that being angry wasn't getting us anywhere. We could talk each other's ears off in class and scream in rage at home, but the world will stay the same. I wanted to take action! I knew what I wanted my blog to be about: Telling girls that they can live a life that isn't the norm in these magazines, and also, reach out to boys to know that girl's standards aren't the models and their lives are going to be greater than becoming their wives.
     But I still didn't even create a blog.
     Then, one day, in study, i was reading over my notes for my women's issues test, and i came across those articles and analysis that got me so fired up, and i was still angry at them. Then a thought popped in my head: What if i started this blog and someone commented saying, "If you don't like the magazine then why talk about it? A lot of people like it, and you're just being an annoying little brat getting angry at it. So, just let it be. You can ignore it if you want." And to that I say: No! I CAN'T IGNORE IT! AND THAT'S NOT WHY I'M HERE.
     I'm not going to rant about how bad the mass media is, I'm not going to denounce people who want to pursue fashion or love to know everything about their favorite celebrity, I'm not here to shove facts down people's throats about how great women are, I'm not here to try and create a perfect reality, I'm here for many other things.
     I’m here to say that a girl’s life is not the twisted fairytale reality of 17 Magazine where all that goes on in a girl’s mind is boys, make-up, clothes and being skinny. It’s about so much more! Girls are so smart—it’s true, we’re geniuses!—and so complex. And I’m here for the boys too. You gotta learn too. Girls are your equal, mostly because they’re human, just like you. So don’t get stuck in the “housewife” mindset. And I understand that you may feel like you have to be the hulk star quarter back with rock hard abs and rocking hair, and I’ll address that issue too.
      I’m not judging, anyone here. I’m not judging people who like the magazine for the fashion tips and to keep up with celebrities and find exercises to do, as long as it’s in a healthy sense and they don’t see this as the only life they can live as females.
     I’m here for to teach people about the potential life holds for them beyond the distorted picture the mass media is trying to promote. Because I want the world to be great, and it can be if we allow every person’s potential to be fulfilled!
     A great quote is “Don’t tell your daughter she can be anything. Because she should already know it.” So, my goal is to make this a reality for girls. I know I won’t write a post and then BAM every girl goes out and does what she loves and becomes the person she’d love to be and every boy acknowledges their greatness without looking like a photo shopped model, and suddenly the government is half men and half women (or maybe like 51% women so that truly match up with the percentage in the world). So I’m going to state my mission in the Emily Dickinson poem “If I can stop”
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease on life the aching, or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
      And I didn't just copy and past that here, it’s tapped around the edges of my laptop screen to remind me what I’m going to do. And now I’m going to promise to read anything that is e-mailed to me, and respond/address any pressing topics. And notice I keep saying “people” and “persons” rather than just one or the other sexes. Because I’m here for both, I have this philosophy that if you feel something than it’s real, simply because you are feeling it. I don’t care if you feel this deepset depression because your favorite character on TV was killed off, I won’t stop listening to you or comforting you until you feel better. So I’m here for all the humans, because I’m what I like to call an “equalist” due to my belief that humans are humans no matter the emotions or actions.
     So, there. That’s why I’m here and hopefully I can help at least one person!

      Now for something that will help anyone when needed:
(And if this doesn't work, I suggest trying to BE the t-rex making the bed.)

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