Wednesday, February 19, 2014


     So I just got the news and there are tears in my eyes: 17 Magazine has vowed not to alter images! Isn't this spectacular! They're taking a huge step towards being a decent magazine!
I remember when Aerie did this, and it was so amazing. There were just girls modeling the underwear with tattoos and muffin tops and acne and it was just like, "Whoa. It's, like, a real human." And 17 Magazine is major. I feel like this movement is going to start hitting the world big time. Who knows, maybe Victoria Secret will do something like this.
     Shh... do you hear that? It's the sound of the next generation who will see less photoshopped unhealthy models cheering. TOGETHER WE SHALL ALL CHEER! GO SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE!
Everyone is just going to feel so much better about their bodies and other people's bodies. Because that's a big thing, not only are you expecting yourself to look like those images, but you expect others to look like the images and then they're self conscious because they think you're thinking that about them and they're already thinking it about themselves and then you're self conscious because you're thinking the exact same thing and your whole idea of the human body is distorted and you don't know where to look without feeling sad or judgmental.
    Wow. That's a lot of thinking we do on a subject that shouldn't be so complicated. You either look one way or you don't. Like, you can't just be like, "Oh, you don't like my nose. Here, let me just adjust it." (And the worst part is the next line would be, "Do you like me now?" But that's not a sound way to start a friendship. Trust me.)
     We aren't made out of clay, we're made out of human material, which is set. And photoshop has created this world where that is possible, but only in the images they present and only to a select few people. And that world has spread into the minds of those who see it, so to us it's become normal. We think they're real bodies and faces, when they are normal, just fixed to be perfect. And therefore, taking away these images and presenting a fantastic REAL picture is great! It's going to change the world, I swear.
Now, to you, 17 Magazine, I say, let's get started on that content. PLEAAASSEE NO MORE STORIES/ARTICLES OF GIRLS ONLY FOCUSED ON BOYS AND CLOTHES!! Please. Let's expand our horizons and let girls now they are not trapped in the closet a man made them. Let's allow them to understand that they can do anything and everything. And they can build it themselves, because they're awesome and their lives shouldn't be controlled by a man. Okay? Okay.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog, Paige! It is such fun to hear your voice through your commentary in these posts. Great ideas you are sharing - I look forward to reading more. :)
