Sunday, January 21, 2018

The meaning of Planned Parenthood

Today, I went to this really great bar and restaurant called "Garage Bar." It's located here in Louisville, and it's kind of a hip joint all the kids go to, and it has very millennial food items. Anyways, I went there because today is the day after the Women's March, and all purchases benefit Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky. I had to go out and show my support, even if it was just getting an order of beignets to go. (Listen, I wanted to go and get drunk off of basil and lavender drinks, but my parent's are coming over for my birthday dinner so I didn't). So, after circling the block twice looking for a big enough street parking spot to pull into and then giving up and parking in a paid public parking lot which I did not pay for I went to get my beignets.

The first thing I noticed was a family leaving the joint. It was a Mom, a Dad, and two kids under the age of four. They were enjoying time together, Mommy and oldest son running on the sidewalk, Dad behind them joking about how Mommy was wearing the perfect running shoes (she was in a maxi dress with nice flats on). I went inside, and low and behold in the midst of this lunch rush was not just single women wanting to support Planned Parenthood, but families. A lot of families.

Here's why I think this is important: Planned Parenthood isn't just serving a bunch of butch women, or stereotypical sorority girls who are labeled "sluts." The purpose of the institution isn't to just provide abortions in a way to plan parenthood, it's a place to go for all different types of reasons. It's to help men and women when dealing with reproduction. It's also there for people who need STD or HIV testing. It's goal is to help women and men understand birth control, and provide contraception so they don't have to give abortions. You see? It's not just a baby killing factory, it's a baby planning factory.

The problem with people who want to squash PP also want to teach kids abstinence only. Well, this is bullshit. Yes, obviously it's the best method, but there are other methods that are just like .1% less effective. So, if you don't want people to have abortions, then you should at least teach them how to prevent pregnancy. It's extremely uncommon for people to wait until marriage to have sex, even in schools that teach abstinence only. At Catholic schools students actually wait and anticipate who will be the pregnant girl this year, despite the school's teachings. So, if you don't want abortions, tell kids to wrap it before you tap it, or to get a baby zapper whether pill, insert, or implant. We have to be smart about this, guys.

I stand with Planned Parenthood, and I never want to see it go away. I hope it continues to help people plan when they want to be parents, and to help them through the process. I want them to always be available to provide support and education to those who couldn't find it in school or at home. This is why, today, I eat beignets.

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